What the Heart Creates: Magic for Real
Beautiful in their desire to live on purpose, to live in the open, to live embracing vulnerability and the risk of letting themselves be seen. Beautiful in their creation.
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Tagged with: living from the heart
Beautiful in their desire to live on purpose, to live in the open, to live embracing vulnerability and the risk of letting themselves be seen. Beautiful in their creation.
Synergy by Piper Lauri Salogga Souls making, a beatmet doors wide, no secrets kept, not one, in the breath living you, me.
Step out of the struggle and Step into the life you desire
Enter the land of The Heart! The powerful place of feeling and sensing. The path to being, embodying, What You Desire.
What: Six Class Series with a limited space of 10 spots! Begins: Saturday, September 21, 10 am – 3 pm* Cost: $125 person/class (offer good through Monday, September 16, price increases to $155 person/class after this date)
*We will meet once a month with support time in between to practice techniques learned in each segment, proposing the second Thursday evening of each month and will survey to find the best evening for all.
Discover the interactive, hands-on tools to gracefully and powerfully step into your heart!
Living Sensual TM, Living from The Heart is an evidence-based healing and manifestation methodology proven to support thousands of individuals across the Northwest to live the full and present life they desire. * Be a part of this important manifestation research! This workshop series is being offered at a discounted rate to a limited number of individuals to further document the findings of the Living Sensual TM technique. As a participant, we appreciate your commitment to anonymously filling out questionnaires at the beginning and end of each class segment. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about this program or the research being conducted.
Contact: info@piperlaurisalogga.com