Heal Past Wounds
Improve Your Relationships
Calm Anxiety
Make Decisions with Confidence
Feel Supported and Connected


Helping you to live your best, most peaceful and empowered life:  Living Sensual Healing & Coaching Method™ is founded on the belief that personal change can be graceful, as rapid as you are comfortable, and long-lasting.  

Re-connecting you to the resources you have inside yourself, we share clear perspectives and tools to aid in your process of healing and transformation—in a kind and trusting atmosphere, using modern and ancient energetic and awareness techniques: such as NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) combined with Buddhist mindfulness. This approach ensures a congruent experience in your mind, body and spirit, sustained over your days, months and years ahead.

Being fully human—in the struggle and in the joy—is fully accepted, nurtured and celebrated here. 





  • Deep listening and honoring what you truly feel in the moment allows what seems stuck to loosen. 
  • Opportunities for your authentic, outward expression helps your feelings come to light and dissolve from the shadows of fear, judgement, or shame. 
  • Connecting with your heart of inner-knowing, inner-strength, inner-vision guides you step-by-step to your greatest outcome.
  • Supporting the design of your path forward that is real, respectful, hopeful, and actionable brings what you want into form.
  • Holding space for your continued, caring support while your healing is occurring, and your new vision is coming to fruition, creates grace and patience in the process.



Supporting clients to heal and manifest the magic of their desires for the last 25-years, I use the a combination of tools that I have found to be the most effective, from both ancient and modern approaches.  

A few of my favorites:

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Chakra Alignment
Angelic Reiki

Feng Shui


Contact us for a full list of tools and their applications.



Coaching Relationship


A healthy coaching relationship is one of mutual communication and trust, living in the safe space of anonymity, shared confidence, and the shared belief in “I Can” and “I Am” deep within.  

As your guide:  I hold the intention and space for your rich experience of lasting growth and change as you connect with and trust your intuition, personal insight, and the tangible support of real Life magic.  I am committed to your hopes and dreams for The Life You Desire™.  I know that if I can, and many other clients can, live gracefully, joyfully and supported, you can too.

As the client:  I ask that you be open to taking the risk of being honest and vulnerable as you express your current truth and try new ways of thinking and acting.  I ask that you make room for the change that wants to happen within you and trust that you are being supported.  And,  I ask that you be gentle with yourself as you walk the journey of listening to and nurturing your heart that wants to live on purpose. 

We are all human. We have all made many mistakes, hit many roadblocks, struggled, feared, dreamed and  hoped.  It is your hope that drives your heart’s work and your heart’s desire.  Your hope is the investment of your heart in you.  Your hopes can become your reality as you make room for their receipt in your life.

Healing and growing, in all its forms, can take time.  And when you have created the space within yourself to receive it, it can also take boundless leaps.  I am here to listen, support, and share with you, as my mentors over the last 25 years have with me, for as long or as little as you need.  You will know through your ease and grace in living when your heart’s wisdom is leading the way.





One-Off: one-and-a-half hour session for that focused shift you are clear and ready to make ($185)
(A 10-minute call is required to be sure that we can accomplish what you need in just one-session)

Regular Sessions: packages for creating lasting new habits and deeper learning  
(Let's talk about which package is the best fit for you)
3-session package  ($495, regular $555)
6-session package  ($995, regular $1100)
9-session package  ($1495, regular $1665)

Emergency: two-hour sessions for that timely need ($225)



Contact Us

Let's talk about your needs and goals and schedule your first session.
(Your first 20-minute phone consultation is free) 

email: piper@livingsensual.com  
call: 206.660.0995



Register for your session

Sign up for your healing/coaching session(s) with Piper
(First-Time Clients: a 2-hour session sets the foundation--receive 25% discount-- $185)

Healing : Coaching
from $185.00