We Need The Light
In the midst of our harried external living, we need the light.
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Tagged with: love
In the midst of our harried external living, we need the light.
Overcoming. Getting through. Learning so that we can live a new.
by Piper Lauri Salogga
My head spins
drags down
skirting the ground
in jealousy’s grip…
so sure it cannot have,
hold, keep, be;
seeing others get,
present, show up,
I’d stomp like a child
if I thought it would help.
“Where’s mine?”
Diminutive whine.
it’s right here –
within reach.”
without feeling is
To shake the belittled tree,
“Just give it to me!”
I’m tired
of waiting.
Damn waiting,
and waiting and
trying and
“Right here,”
Soft, sure,
patient alongside
until the crack –
stubborn shell –
is felt, "Ahhh.
Yes. Here.
to Living Sensual!
Live in Love with Life
xo Piper
Writing is Reagan’s first and abiding love. No matter what else she is doing she keeps a notebook nearby.
Beautiful in their desire to live on purpose, to live in the open, to live embracing vulnerability and the risk of letting themselves be seen. Beautiful in their creation.
We are marketed a happy life. A happy life that looks and feels just so. A happy life that may contain some reality, and some fantasy.
A young girl sitting in her mother’s lap, feeling the warmth of her skin, head against her chest, heart beats to their shared rhythm.