
We are here.
Do you feel us?
We are here.
Do you hear us?
We are here.
The energies
of breath
fire, flow,
We are here
in the hum
with your body,
for your speech
of your mind
through your heart.
We are here
when you call,
from the feeling
place within:
earnest, open,
wanting Life.
We are here.


to Living Sensual
Live in Love with Life
xo Piper

What the Heart Creates: Magic for Real

Beautiful in their desire to live on purpose, to live in the open, to live embracing vulnerability and the risk of letting themselves be seen. Beautiful in their creation.

For the Child

Somewhere inside us all, all of us human beings, is the child.  Even when we are older, wiser, more experienced, good at taking care of ourselves, adept and successful at many things, deep within, the child is always present.