Taking the day to connect with what you really want for the year ahead—from your heart.
You will have the opportunity to share and listen in safe space, journey to your intuition—letting your heart show you the way—eat delicious and healthy foods, create a vision board to honor the 2017 you desire, and write clear intentions for the Universe to support you in.
We will close with the powerful making of Despacho, an ancient Q'ero practice of honoring and bringing focus to that which we are bringing into the new year.
Keeping this one intimate: 10 spots available
Mars is coming out of retrograde June 29. The planet of action will be ready to move you in the direction of your vision and goals for the next two years, personally and professionally. Are you ready?
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Often, when you take a stand, make an investment in what you want, something you may have been focused on for quite some time, you can feel anxious, sick even, waiting for it to come. Not trusting that it will come, this discomfort can then lead to giving up, turning your back on, or running away from the very thing that has been calling you. How can you move through this crazy feeling to receive the positive outcome you wish for?
When it comes to certain aspects of your life (e.g., relationships, money, health) do you ever feel like you are reliving the same old movie from your past, over and over again? You tell yourself you’ll do it differently next time, but then you don’t. So what is keeping you in this pattern?
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That inner-voice of fear and perfection can be such a show-stopper; no matter which way you turn, what action you choose to take, there is always something wrong. How can you loosen your critic’s control over your life? How can you make good on its concern and advice and not have it bring you down?
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When all those negative thoughts, whines, complaints, and jealousies are overtaking your life, manifesting more of what you don’t want, it is the perfect time to step into the art of focusing on what you do want, in an authentic way. Affirmations alone are hard-pressed to do the job. This practice is about uncovering the gift of the whine that stems from the want of your heart.
Learning the beautiful secrets found in the layers of the bagua will support you to step into your own life with greater grace and ease, quickening the changes you’re wanting to manifest – the rhythms, relationships, and inter-connections discovered becoming a powerful guiding force.
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Through the use of qigong you can be empowered to manifest the health and well-being you desire. A set of mindful, physical and energetic practices, these ancient eastern tools allow you to heal obstacles by creating new, and reinforcing existing, beneficial pathways inside and outside your body. This is a great start to building vital and empowered life-force energy.
When the wisdom of your heart and body join the wisdom of the horse you can learn and grow in an integrated way, experiencing a powerful, positive shift from past habits and expectations to the new ones you prefer. The insight that lies within yourself and the horses can't help but show you, tell you, exactly what you need to see, hear and feel to begin to make this shift, to step into your empowered state of being, to create the life you desire.
Click for more Summer Empowerment Camp details
The I Ching holds the ancient wisdom of natural change, the movement of life, action and reaction. Asking for its wisdom leads us to clarity and insight about our best next steps in any situation where we find need. Connecting that intuitive guidance of the I Ching into your physical space through the direction of feng shui can open you to an enriched awareness and a quickening of change, manifesting the results you desire for you life.
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What is the difference between saying “Thank You” and feeling “Thank You!”? I would reckon it to be something like: Puppeting a Requirement vs. Being in Joy. When we feel gratitude in our heart, in our body, we have a hum about us that is translated to “more please;” this message sent to ourselves and to everyone and everything around us. This feeling of Thank You!, this hum is vital for Life’s continued granting of your desire – it is how you and Life know to keep the spigot turned on.
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Often, when we are on the brink of getting what we want, what we may have been focused on for quite some time, we can feel anxious, sick even. Part of us may even want to flee or fight against it. Why is the brink of YES! causing this reaction? And how can we move through it to that positive outcome we have been wanting?
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Allowing desire to grow within us builds the attraction, the magnet, for what we are wanting to draw to us. We are building the focus of our mind and the feeling in our body through the experiences of our heart. We are allowing ourselves to feel good, feel flourished in what greets us in our day, by what we see, hear, smell, taste and touch in all our moments. There is so much to be in awe of, to be grateful for. Our hearts love jumping into this space when we let them.
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Trust – the foundation of all creative energy. Our trust starts with Life, God, Allah, Tree and moves out from there. This most important relationship holds the key to the peace and power you long for, planting the roots for all of your relationships, affecting all of the outcomes you experience. Explore what this looks and feels like for you, so that you can lean into It fully and let It work its magic in your life.
Our mind and body is habituated to receive just as much as we believe we can have. What happens when we are ready to change and grow, to receive something different, or more than we have before? Extending the bounds of our well so that we may let more in, so that we may become comfortable with something new, is imperative to our success. Join us, if it is time for you to receive.
Through the use of qigong you can be empowered to manifest the health and well-being you desire. A set of mindful, physical and energetic tools, this ancient, eastern practice allows you to heal obstacles and create new, and reinforce existing, beneficial pathways inside and outside the body.
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The third step in manifesting The Life You Desire.
Let’s face it, getting in our own way is the most predictable and most frustrating habit we have as human beings. Avoiding and pushing down the self-talk that harms us and stops us from moving forward does not work. Learning to listen to this internal conversation does. Learning to reprogram does. Step into a few powerful tools that serve to free you and get you back on track for success. This course is based on principles drawn from Taming the Gremlin and Ho’oponopono.
The second step in manifesting The Life You Desire.
Once you know what you want, how do you build the clarity around the details and hold the excitement around your desire? How do you call your want to you rather than search and grasp for it? How do you allow yourself to receive the gift? Because when it shows itself to you, you want to be ready to say YES!
Kelly LaRue, a mentor of mine, often says, "Our Whine is Our Want." Learn how to shift your complaints to your noticing, noticing what you really want, and honor that want. The magic is in the art of listening to your heart - we'll show you how.
Let your words flow and your feelings go. Become a slam poet.
Giving your feelings a place to express themselves is vital to your freedom, your peace of mind and your health. What better way to do it than the art of the Slam! Learn the fun tools and approaches to this wordly expression and fly within your creative flow.
Sensual Slam - a divine festival for your senses. See, Hear, Smell, Taste and Touch: Art, Music, Poetry, Cuisine and more. We're kicking-off a movement of feeling - Living from your heart.
5-part Series
Wednesdays: March 1 - 29
7:00-8:30 PM
Through the use of qigong you can be empowered to manifest the health and well-being you desire. A set of mindful, physical and energetic tools, this ancient, eastern practice allows you to heal obstacles and create new (and reinforce existing) beneficial pathways inside and outside the body.
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